Hullabaloo! 2021 Pre-Recorded Tutorials
Below is a selection of great fun workshops and tutorials for you to get stuck into during Hullabaloo!
Before you start, check out the list of materials that you will need and get them ready. Ask a grown up to help you!
In the interest of safety, we encourage parents to be present at all online activities.
Make a Shadow Puppet
with Niamh Lawlor of
Puca Puppets
Be transported to the Púca Puppet studio where Niamh Lawlor and her shadow puppet Mary Mary will help you create your own shadow puppets at home using recycled materials.
From Fri 29 Oct 4pm - Sat 30 Oct 4pm
Ages 5-10yrs
No longer available for viewing!
Fits Like a Sock!
with Jemma Curran
Lets teach you how to make sock puppets from items that you have lying around your home, while also exploring the exciting world of meeting new people with Jemma and Barnaby.
Ages 3-5yrs
You just need a sock, but you can add googly eyes, pipe cleaners, anything really! You will also need some tape or blue tack to stick things onto your puppet.
Make a Cardboard Tower
with Denise Kehoe
Explore structure in a fun and easy way to make your own colourful, cardboard sculpture without using glue - so get ready and let's get creative!
Ages 3-12yrs
Cardboard, a pair of scissors, markers, paints and/or pens, paper and objects to draw around.
Help Béirín Beag Buí have sweet dreams by making a colourful Dream Catcher.
Lullaby Films to inspire the work can be viewed before and after the activity, presented in association with short films Béirín Beag Buí and Béirín Beag Buí i dTír na Síog available through the RTE Player.
From Fri 29 Oct 4pm until
Sat 30 Oct 4pm
Ages 4-6yrs
No longer available for viewing!
Make a Dream Catcher
with Niamh Lawlor
of Púca Puppets
Make a Pumpkin
Wind Chime
with Rosemarie Langrty
Make a spooky but friendly companion to keep you company this Halloween. Let’s create an easy to make Pumpkin Wind Chime to greet all of the ghouls that visit your door!
Ages 3-5yrs
Materials you need: Paper plate (9 inches), pen, pencil, pencil pair and rubber, child safety scissors, Pritt stick or glue, cellotape. Paint: Orange, Green, Black and White. If you don’t have orange or green paint: Yellow and Red = Orange, Blue and yellow = Green. Jar for water, cloth to dry brush, old magazines, string or wool.
Make a Halloween Tree
with Rosemarie Langtry
Let’s get into the ‘spirit’ and create a Scary Halloween tree using creepy recycled and spine-chilling natural materials!
Ages 6-8yrs
Materials you need: Scissors, PVA Glue or Pritt stick, medium branch of a tree, jam jar or container to stand branch in, small stones or sand, string or glue, white card or paper, cereal box, white, black and orange paint, paint brush, jar for water, tissue or cloth to clean brush.
Circus performers juggle lots of different shapes such as Clubs, Balls and Rings. These are all solid so they can catch them easily. But, can you juggle a liquid? Aoife and Maria show you how!
Ages 5-12yrs
See also our Circus Science Show!
Materials you need: Please also refer to activity sheet
Custard Juggling! with Strongwomen Science
Everything has a centre of gravity. So long as the centre of gravity of an object is above the point on which it is balanced, it will stay balanced. Aoife and Maria show how to experiment to find the centre of gravity.
Ages 5-12yrs
See also our Circus Science Show!
Materials you need: Cellotape, scissors, old newspaper and a hard surface to lean on (table or floor) to make your balancing stick.
please also refer to activity sheet
Photo credit to Ian Georgeson
Balancing Tips and Tricks
with Strongwomen Science
Using Engineering
To Make Stuff with Strongwomen Science
Engineering is the use of science and maths to design, plan and build things. A car, a house, a computer – they’re all the result of engineering. Circus performers use engineering a lot. They might use it to create an act or make a prop. Aoife and Maria show how to research, plan and build poi buckets.
Ages 5-12yrs
See also our Circus Science Show!
Materials you need: Water, scissors or something pointy like a screw, a plastic container (a large yogurt pot will do), string.
Please also refer to activity sheet
Photo credit to Ian Georgeson
The Science of Skipping!
with Strongwomen Science
Inspired by our ‘In Trolland’ show (See our Online Family Shows), this workshop helps you can create your own Wind, Stone and Sea Trolls!
Ages 3-12yrs
Materials you need: Paper cups, leftover plastic cups, pipe cleaners, clothes pegs, paper napkins, choice of decorations (stickers etc.), buttons, Google Eyes, Sellotape, double sided tape, scissors (Adult/Child sizes), ball of wool, wooden or biodegradable cutlery, paper, cake cases, tealight (battery led), Hole Puncher, cotton wool.
How to Make a Troll
with Cliodhna Noonan
Please join artist and youth facilitator Kaya Brennan in learning the fun and simple process of making your own natural inks and art materials at home, using everyday plant materials.
Ages 6-12yrs
Materials you need: Plant Material, chopping board, knife, old saucepan (ideally one you no longer use for food), heat (use of a kitchen stove), wooden spoon, Sibh, distilled white vinegar, salt cloves, Gum Arabic (easily bought in most art stores or online), clean jar. Suggested plant materials are: avocado skins, onion skins, beetroot, red cabbage, spinach, berries, turmeric, grass, acorn caps, leaves ... please experiment and use any plants that catch your eye and see what type of inks they make!
Make your own Natural Ink with Kaya Brennan
A fun family time where Adriana takes us on a wondrous variety of folkloric, international and modern songs in 4 pre-recorded and easy sing alongs.
Ages 3-5yrs
Swan Arising Choroi Instruments
Family Sing Along
with Adriana von Runic
Snuggle up for some Spooky Stories! Join us for some gruesome Grimm tales and the magical music of Schumann's Fairytale Pictures for viola (Andreea Banciu) and piano (Aileen Cahill).
Ages 5+yrs
Maeve, Ronan and the Witches
Ages 7+yrs
The Robber Bridegroom
Ages 9+yrs.